inspire unity in Christ through a daily prayer life and an active exercise lifestyle.

Hiking Challenge
May 2024
For the rest of May, we are inviting you and encouraging you to find your favorite hiking location and get in a great workout while enjoying wonderful views.
Challenge Steps:
1. Use your smart device and record your hike.
2. Take a picture of your view
3. Tell us how you did on your amazing workout by posting on social media and tagging Active for Christ or sending us an email at a4c@activeforchrist.net
4. If you have a scripture or testimony of what you thought or prayed about during your hiking journey, feel free to let us know.
5. Let us know if we can share your post and thoughts on our social media page and website.
6. Share with others to also join in on the challenge.

Active for Christ 2024 Challenge Series
Thank you and CONGRATS to the finishers!
All of our challenges are free for everyone to enjoy. We do offer an opportunity for you to purchase a finishers shirt and medal if you would like. Our generous A4C monthly giving members are welcome to a free shirt and also have the option to purchase the medal. Order yours today for $35.00 which includes tax and shipping.

For the next 14 weeks we are praying for specifics! Join the Active for Christ community as we unite together across the nation and around the world to pray for specific topics. Check out how you can be a part of our new challenge in 2024.

Sign up by filling out the registration form at the bottom of this page

Pray for the specific weekly topic during one of your running activities

Once you complete your run, let us know by sending us a DM, Email or post on your social media

We will post on our Social Media as well. Please help us by encouraging others to join in on the challenge!
Weekly Topics
​January 1st - April 6th 2024